McDonough Painting is a San Francisco based painting company providing interior and exterior, residential and commercial painting services since 1993. We are licensed, bonded and insured and are EPA lead certified. Employing a small crew of painters, McDonough Painting offers a personalized hands on approach to all jobs. McDonough Painting will give you a clear written estimate and will provide it within a few days of meeting you.
We start the job on the scheduled date (weather permitting if exterior) and finish when promised. What separates McDonough Painting is that our painters are screened and work under the supervision of its owner, guaranteeing you knowledgeable and experienced trades- men, providing a customized professional finish every time.
We start the job on the scheduled date (weather permitting if exterior) and finish when promised. What separates McDonough Painting is that our painters are screened and work under the supervision of its owner, guaranteeing you knowledgeable and experienced trades- men, providing a customized professional finish every time.
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