Chism Brothers Painting
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Chism Brothers Painting
Chism Brothers Painting customers agree that we are known as the "Careful Painters." Our painters are true professionals, skilled in the art of interior painting. Our hallmarks are careful protection of your furniture and non-painted surfaces, and finely-detailed painting work. Whether you have a sprawling estate or modest bungalow, Chism Brothers Painting guarantees the highest quality craftsmanship.

We'd love to serve you, whether you need a simple house washing and touch up, a full repaint or a historic restoration. Cabinet painting, staining and refinishing are lost arts in the painting profession, except here at Chism Brothers. Our wood finishers are highly skilled in all aspects of cabinet and wood finishing, and can turn your cabinets, handrails or stairways into a masterpiece for a fraction of the cost of replacing them.

Looking for a smooth, hassle-free commercial painting experience? You deserve an exceptional paint job delivered on time, as promised, all while minimally impacting your day-to-day operations.
We consider it a privilege as a local business to not only invest in serving our clients well but also our community.
We've won the Angie's List Super Service Award and are licensed with the Contractors State License Board regulations.
Since its inception, we have strived to become the leading residential painting company in San Diego by consistently providing exceptional quality and dependable service.
It is Chism Brothers philosophy to care for our employees first, so they will take care of you with great joy.
Chism Brothers is not just about painting-we are about people.
We value our clients and our employees as individuals.
We look forward to growing true friendships with our clients, and we wanted to give you the opportunity to get to know each of us.
A gentleman in every respect, Michael is faithful, generous and thoughtful to his customers, his employees, and his family.
He pauses before he reacts, trying to see all angles of a situation and all possible solutions.
Driven by his love for God and his faith in His Word, Michael has a delightful commitment to his family and a very apparent and deep love for his wife.
A professional staff of painters will properly prepare surfaces first, cover and protect the areas not being painted, thoroughly clean up each day and apply paint according to the best industry standards.
Whether you have a sprawling estate or modest bungalow, Chism Brothers Painting guarantees the highest measure of quality craftsmanship.
For over 30 years we have taken pride in offering high-quality services that will keep your commercial property's exterior healthy, strong, and stylish.
We can promise that the same attention to detail and excellence that we apply in our clients' homes will be put to work in your commercial space.
After each job we ask our customers to rate our performance and give us feedback on our work.
Read these reports organized by zip code below.
I've used Chism Brothers several times for both large projects and small.
I'm now so spoiled by their excellent work, delightful staff and attention to detail that I can't imagine using another painter.
If you are looking for a talented painting team that arrives on time, works hard and leaves you home immaculate (as far as painting stuff is concerned) every evening.this is your painter!
No matter what your level of experience, we have a place for you on our growing team!
More than anything, we value your attitude, character, and commitment to both your craftsmanship and our clients' happiness.
From day one, we'll work with you to define and develop your path, offering training for employees of all skill levels.
We're known for our master craftsmanship, and are equipped to help you grow to your full potential.
As an Apprentice 2, you've had some hands-on experience and will continue to develop jobsite and customer service skills to advance your trade.
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