Ocre Painting
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When we are painting your home, we take extra special care of your property. The paint is only applied to the proper surfaces and not to the floors, furnishings or pets. If you hire us for Exterior and Interior Painting in Portland you will not hear loud music playing, lots of talking, or see a messy job site.

Instead, you will see a professional staff of painters who will properly prepare the surfaces for paint removal first, cover the areas they are not painting, thoroughly clean up each day and paint according to the best paint.Everyone wants to get the most for their money; it's only natural. At Ocre Painting, we provide a superior painting experience for our clients, and to maintain our exceptional level of service, we need to charge commensurate prices.

Some of our clients initially hesitate when they receive our estimates, if our costs are more than they are expecting. When the project is finished however, they always agree: it was worth every penny!
Complete Stripping, Staining and Refinishing with High Quality Finish Staining and Finishing of New Doors.
Portland is a fantastic place to explore historic homes, with numerous styles and eras of distinctive and classic architecture.
Ocre Painting specializes in safe and authentic restoration of these historic homes, bringing them back to their full beauty and charm.
Our depth of experience and product knowledge with historic home restoration sets us apart among San Diego painting contractors.
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