With over 17 years of painting and staining experience, Kane Painting LLC has emerged as a leader among commercial and residential painting contractors in the Akron, Ohio area. Kane Painting LLC was started as a family business to help families and businesses just like yours. It is our goal to provide unmatched, high-quality painting services to our customers.
Interior residential painting, exterior residential painting, commercial painting, and more!. You might be wondering, where can I find reliable painters near me? Whether it's a large commercial building or an intimate interior project, our goal is to provide the highest quality workmanship at the most affordable prices. From initial planning to final completion we strive to provide a stress-free execution of your project by focusing on detail and making your project our project.
We can still provide house painting estimates for interior residential and commercial painting in your neighborhood and will resume quotes for exterior projects in 2022.
Interior residential painting, exterior residential painting, commercial painting, and more!. You might be wondering, where can I find reliable painters near me? Whether it's a large commercial building or an intimate interior project, our goal is to provide the highest quality workmanship at the most affordable prices. From initial planning to final completion we strive to provide a stress-free execution of your project by focusing on detail and making your project our project.
We can still provide house painting estimates for interior residential and commercial painting in your neighborhood and will resume quotes for exterior projects in 2022.
If you're searching for quality painters in Akron, head over to our Facebook page or click the icons for our other social media accounts to find daily updates on projects we are currently working on, as well as an archive of projects we have worked on in the past!
Kane painting is proud to be local and family-owned!
Kane painting is proud to be local and family-owned!
Read painter reviews directly from our happy customers!
Proud to work for home or business, Akron commercial painters, and residential painters at your service!
Nick and his team of painters were excellent.
They worked quietly, professionally, and cooperatively.
They went above and beyond our expectations as they transformed our home with their precise painting.
Nick and his crew painted my 30-year-old oak and worn-out kitchen cabinets and they look amazing!
Looks like a brand new kitchen.
They are professional, neat, respectful, and always on time.
Proud to work for home or business, Akron commercial painters, and residential painters at your service!
Nick and his team of painters were excellent.
They worked quietly, professionally, and cooperatively.
They went above and beyond our expectations as they transformed our home with their precise painting.
Nick and his crew painted my 30-year-old oak and worn-out kitchen cabinets and they look amazing!
Looks like a brand new kitchen.
They are professional, neat, respectful, and always on time.
If you are working on a budget our winter season is the perfect time for you to freshen up the inside of your home or workspace!
Get 10% OFF of your ENTIRE Interior Painting & Staining estimate during our Winter Interior Special!
Offer excludes all exterior services, the cost of all material/paint, extensive prep/repairs, and wallpaper removal.
Offer can not be combined with any other offers or discounts.
Kane Painting proudly offers 5% off painting services for our customers who have served in the United States Armed Forces, with valid military photo ID.
Get 10% OFF of your ENTIRE Interior Painting & Staining estimate during our Winter Interior Special!
Offer excludes all exterior services, the cost of all material/paint, extensive prep/repairs, and wallpaper removal.
Offer can not be combined with any other offers or discounts.
Kane Painting proudly offers 5% off painting services for our customers who have served in the United States Armed Forces, with valid military photo ID.
Kane Painting LLC is a high-quality painting business that focuses on professionalism, efficiency, and customer service.
We have been painting in Summit, Stark, Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, and Wayne counties for 10 years now, and we have 17 years of experience.
We are currently looking for both experienced and entry-level painters to join our team!
We're hiring for Akron commercial painters and residential painters with all levels of experience.
It is our goal to create a supportive work environment consisting of kind, friendly, and dependable people.
We have been painting in Summit, Stark, Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, and Wayne counties for 10 years now, and we have 17 years of experience.
We are currently looking for both experienced and entry-level painters to join our team!
We're hiring for Akron commercial painters and residential painters with all levels of experience.
It is our goal to create a supportive work environment consisting of kind, friendly, and dependable people.
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