Mark Pinney Painting
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Mark Pinney Painting is a licensed, professional interior & exterior painting contractor servicing the requirements of residential & commercial property owners & Home Owner Associations (HOAs) in San Luis Obispo County. We have established a solid long-term reputation for being prompt and courteous, accommodating and easy to work with. Proudly serving the Central Coast for over 20 years.

My dedicated crews are friendly, experienced professionals. All projects are undertaken with attention to detail, time & budgets. We have a reputation for integrity and we are dedicated to providing prompt professional painting services. We are always customer focused, providing exceptional quality service. Mark Pinney Painting is a painter of surpassing quality.

From a two story exterior to a bathroom wall, you can expect the work to be done on time with all the details addressed and no mess left behind. Rated in the top 10% of 336,931 contractors in California, we have one of the best professional painting companies in town.
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